1) Digg is the first place you visit online. Bonus points if it's your homepage.
2) You check Digg more than once a day because you're scared you're going to miss out on a great story if you leave it until tomorrow to check again.
3) You visit Digg so much that the newest story is STILL the newest story the next time you visit.
4) If you don't have access to a computer for a few days, you'll still go back twenty or thirty pages through articles to make sure you've not missed anything important while you've been gone.
5) You never need to check the "Top in 24 hours", "7 Days" etc. pages. You've already seen every story on there as they were being dugg.
6) You've browsed Upcoming Stories because you want to make the first funny comment on that article you've found and get people to digg you up more.
7) You increase the size of the Upcoming Stories cloud text because you want to make sure you read every single article title.
8) You feel kind of honoured if Kevin Rose joins in a comment thread that you're part of.
9) You feel like Kevin Rose has become your personal friend, even though you've never talked to him.
10) You like digging up/digging down every comment for an article. It just feels better when all those thumbs are finally greyed out.
11) It really bugs you if you get dugg down, regardless of what you've said.
12) You go back and check for replies to your comments more than once. In fact, you check daily.
13) You feel really downhearted when no one replies to your comment or diggs you up.
14) You kind of hope people will think you're cool enough to view your profile and visit your personal website via it.
15) You wish more of your real life friends knew about and were addicted to Digg as much as you are.
From the comments:
16) You don't tell your real friends about Digg so you can give them the news personally. It makes you feel important.
If I see any others I like in the comments, I'll add them to this list.